October 9, 2008

GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has written the latest entry for his weekly column on MetalSucks, "The Hard R." This week Dallas talks about John McCain's "that one" remark in the latest round of Presidential debates, accuses McCain of being racist, and urges Americans to vote for Barack Obama. Excerpts from the blog follow:

"When you look at a small remark such as 'that one,' it makes me think about going to vote. I was going to vote for Obama regardless but back during the primaries I was one of those Obama supporters who would have considered McCain if Hillary Clinton were the nominee. Now as I think about it, I should have had my fucking head examined. McCain is harboring some deep prejudices regarding black people and it clearly showed in that remark.

"Do you want a bigot in the highest office in the world? I know I don't. The funny thing is I'm sure there were a good amount of presidents who were bigots behind closed doors, but we live in a new time and a new day and that aggression will not stand. The fact that McCain's disposition toward Senator Obama reeks with disdain, contempt and disrespect shows me he is unfit to be a president. I'm going to say it. McCain is a fucking loser. And he's a punk.

"In closing, it took McCain 20 years to come around to vote for a Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. 20 years. And he didn't do it until it was a political issue, not a moral one. McCain is a fucking loser. If you want to put him in the white house, I will use guilt by association the way his camp does and deem you that as well.

"Don't be a loser, go to the polls and vote for 'that one.' If McCain were to put 'Country First,' his old ass needs to step down and apologize for wasting our fucking time. Fuck John McCain. Fuck him till he sleeps eternally."

To read the full blog post, visit www.metalsucks.net.

McCain calls Obama "that one":

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